S.R. 71 Lane Closures Alert
Lane Closures Planned for State Road (S.R.) 71 in Jackson County
CHIPLEY, FL– S.R. 71 drivers will encounter daytime intermittent lane closures, from Odom Road to Dogwood Drive, Monday, March 18 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. as crews prepare a temporary detour. In addition, motorists will encounter alternating lane closures beginning 6 a.m. Tuesday, March 19 through 6 a.m. Wednesday, March 20 as crews perform drainage construction activities. Flaggers and traffic control devices will assist in directing motorists through the work area.
Construction activities are weather dependent and may be delayed or rescheduled in the event of inclement weather. Drivers are reminded to use caution, especially at night, when traveling through a work zone and to watch for construction workers and equipment entering and exiting the roadway. Speeding fines are doubled when workers are present.
For more information visit the Florida Department of Transportation District Three on the web at www.nwflroads.com, follow on Twitter @myfdot_nwfl and Instagram @myfdot_nwfl, like on Facebook at MyFDOTNWFL, or subscribe on YouTube @MyFDOTNWFL. For more information on the project, like on Facebook at mySR71.
Angela Small
Radio Production Assistant