Tyndall Air Force Base Moves to HPCON – Charlie

Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida – The 325th Flight Wing Commander has directed Health Protection Condition (HPCON) Charlie in response to COVID-19. In the case of an unusual health risk, the Department of Defense uses health protection measures known as HPCONs, to determine what actions are needed to best protect the base populace and surrounding community. At this time, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Tyndall Air Force Base. Tyndall AFB service members should ensure to practice prevention measures already in place, including:

– Follow strict personal and environmental hygiene
– Practice social distancing (limit meetings, socials)
– Stay home if sick
– Contact your healthcare provider team if experiencing symptoms consistent with

HPCON C measures are mandatory for Tyndall AFB service members and are highly encouraged for DoD civilian and contractor employees, and family members. These measures are required to ensure the continued health and safety for our service members, civilians and families.

Message from Tyndall Base Commander:

Team Tyndall,

As you are aware, the impacts of COVID-19 are already far reaching, and the situation continues to rapidly evolve. It impacts every one of us. We are working daily with leaders across Air Combat Command, the Air Force, and the Department of Defense, as well as our local and state leaders here in Florida to monitor the situation and update your chain of command. We will sustain our mission essential activities on base in order to preserve our mission capability and take all necessary precautions to protect our force. As of today, we are at HPCON C consistent with guidance from the Secretary of Defense.

Your health protection is our priority. We will continue to implement measures and guidance necessary to safeguard the health and welfare of our Airmen, their families and our local community. We will continue to provide you and your families with current information on the appropriate measures we take to prevent the potential spread of the virus. We will be aggressive with our precautions and, if necessary, our response. We will be prudent but not panic.

As of now, no one from our base has tested positive for COVID-19; nonetheless, we are directing preventative measures to promote social distancing and cleanliness. We conduct a daily, detailed assessment of mission essential activities across the base. We have directed telework to the maximum extent possible, and we have authorized commanders to use safety and weather leave, when appropriate, for our civilian Airmen.

You have seen and will continue to see changes to operating hours at some of our facilities and closures at others. We are working closely with squadron leaders across Team Tyndall, to examine which services we may need to modify or pause to protect our personnel. As we make changes to services or operations, we will announce the changes through base-wide e-mails, your chain of command, and our social media accounts.

For example, we have modified, temporarily, our operations at the fitness center, Child Development Center, and Youth Center. We have modified our procedures at our clinic, most notably in our pharmacy. We understand these temporary changes may cause hardships for some of our Airmen and their families. Remember, our intent is to protect our base population by taking prudent actions now to suppress the spread of this highly contagious virus before it shows up on our base. We ask that you funnel specific issues or questions through your chain of command.

We all know that our mission must continue. We have certainly proven that over the last year and a half. Our Air and Space Forces continue to operate around the world to safeguard U.S. national interests and those of our allies and partners. We remain committed to doing our part to train and project unrivaled combat air power for our Air Force.

Thank you for your resilience and patience as we work together to curtail the spread of COVID-19 while safeguarding our mission capability.

Col. Brian Laidlaw, 325th Fighter Wing Commander and
CMSgt Kati Grabham, 325th Fighter Wing Command Chief

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