School Safety Rules Updated

State Board of Education Strengthens School Safety Requirements

~ Training now required for parents and guardians on the consequences for students making a threat or false report in FortfyFL ~

ORLANDO, FL Today, the State Board of Education held their meeting in conjunction with the 2024 Charter School Conference and School Choice Summit, where attendance reached record levels with over 1,300 attendees. Commissioner Manny Diaz, Jr. welcomed new member Daniel Foganholi to the State Board of Education at the meeting. Foganholi joins the Board after serving the past two years on the Broward County School Board.

“Florida is ranked number one for education by U.S. News and World Report and number one for Education Freedom by the Heritage Foundation because of our commitment to providing a quality education for each individual student, and school choice and charter schools are essential components of our education system,” said Commissioner of Education Manny Diaz, Jr. “I am proud to live in a state that is not only a model for the nation but also provides the best opportunity for every student to succeed.”

Additionally, the Board approved a rule amendment to support charter school operators that choose to accept the challenge of being part of school turnaround in districts with struggling schools. This amendment will allow charter school operators more access to information and additional time during the transition from a district-managed school to a charter-operated school. The Board also heard from Gadsden and Leon County Public Schools superintendents regarding their updates to turnaround option plans for schools in their districts.

The State Board of Education also approved rule amendments to codify procedures to monitor school districts and public schools for compliance with school safety requirements and requiring school districts to make available a training for parents and guardians on FortifyFL, including the consequences for making a threat or false report. The Board also approved rule amendments to update, define and strengthen eligibility and standards for apprenticeship programs, including allowing faith-based organizations to participate as a sponsor.

For more information about the Florida Department of Education, visit

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