Avoid Holiday Roadside Hassles

AAA Will Rescue More Than 570,000 Stranded Drivers During Thanksgiving Holiday

The Auto Club Group Urges Motorists to Get a Vehicle Inspection Before their Road Trip

TAMPA, FL – AAA expects record-breaking travel numbers this Thanksgiving. This means more people on the road, and potentially more on the roadside.

An estimated 71.7 million Americans are forecast to take a Thanksgiving road trip. Of those, AAA expects more than 570,000 to have some type of car trouble. The three most common calls AAA receives are for flat tires, dead batteries, and lockouts.

“Don’t let car trouble be the reason you don’t make it to Thanksgiving dinner,” said Mark Jenkins, spokesperson for AAA – The Auto Club Group. “Before setting out for your holiday road trip, get a full vehicle inspection to ensure everything is in proper working order.”

AAA’s Vehicle Checklist

  • Tires– Underinflated tires are the #1 reason for tire blowouts. Check the tread and properly inflate all vehicle tires, including your spare (if your vehicle has one).
  • Battery– The average car battery life is typically 3-5 years. If your engine is slow to start and/or your lights are dim, your battery may be nearing the end of its life. Drivers can ask for a battery check at a AAA Car Care Center or Approved Auto Repair Facility. AAA can also come to a member’s location to test and, if needed, replace the battery on site.
  • Brakes – If you hear a grinding sound or feel a vibration when applying the brakes, take your vehicle to an auto repair shop for a brake inspection.
  • Emergency Kit – Create a kit in your vehicle with a cellphone charger, flashlight and extra batteries, first-aid supplies, drinking water, non-perishable snacks for people and pets, car battery booster cables, emergency flares or reflectors, a rain poncho, a basic tool kit, duct tape, gloves and shop rags or paper towels.

AAA’s Safety Tips for Drivers at the Roadside

  • Pull as far over on the shoulder as safely possible to create more distance between your vehicle and passing traffic.
  • Turn your hazard lights on so other drivers are aware you are there.
  • If you are able to safely make it to the next exit or stopping point, do so.
  • Call for assistance via phone, website or the AAA Mobile app.
  • Remain with your vehicle as long as it’s safe to do so.
  • If getting out of your vehicle, watch the oncoming traffic for a good time to exit, and remain alert and close to your vehicle. Avoid turning your back to traffic whenever possible.

Move Over for Roadside Workers and Stranded Motorists

With more people sharing the roads, the danger is multiplied for those on the roadside. AAA reminds motorists to slow down and move over for first responders, tow trucks, and any motorist with a disabled vehicle on the side of the road.

“We want to make sure all holiday travelers, tow truck drivers and first responders make it home safely this Thanksgiving,” continued Jenkins. “All drivers can help by moving over for flashing lights, whether it’s a tow truck or a disabled vehicle with its hazard lights on. Even if it adds a few minutes to your commute, that small gesture could save a life.”

How Drivers can Prevent Roadside Collisions:

  • Remain alert. Avoid distractions and focus on driving.
  • Constantly scan the road ahead. This will help you identify and avoid potential hazards.
  • Move over a lane when approaching a vehicle on the roadside with flashing lights. If you can’t move over, slow down to safely pass them.
  • Watch for people on the roadside. People may be in or near a disabled vehicle. Just because you don’t immediately see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there.
  • Be a good passenger. Help identify roadway issues and remind the driver to slow down and move over.

About AAA – The Auto Club Group

The Auto Club Group (ACG) is the second largest AAA club in North America with more than 13 million members across 14 U.S. states and two U.S. territories. ACG and its affiliates provide members with roadside assistance, insurance products, banking and financial services, travel offerings and more. ACG belongs to the national AAA federation with more than 64 million members in the United States and Canada. AAA’s mission is to protect and advance freedom of mobility and improve traffic safety. For more information, get the AAA Mobile app, visit AAA.com, and follow on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

Angela Small

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