FSU InSPIRE Appoints Aerospace Leader


Position marks a pivotal moment as the Institute for Strategic Partnerships, Innovation, Research, and Education moves into research and design phase for high-speed aerospace facility 

PANAMA CITY, FL – Florida State University’s InSPIRE has appointed Chase Foster as Senior Research & Project Engineer for Aerospace to lead the development of advanced manufacturing and aerospace facilities in Bay County. Foster brings experience from General Dynamics Electric Boat, where he oversaw planning and engineering for Seawolf, Ohio, and Virginia class submarines, and managed high-budget projects, including a $30 million Nautilus drydocking project completed early and under budget. His deep expertise in assembly and testing also includes work on the SSBN-826 Columbia ballistic missile submarine.

FSU InSPIRE Senior Research & Project Engineer for Aerospace Chase Foster.

“Foster’s extensive background in aero-propulsion projects, including his role in the development of FSU’s Polysonic Wind Tunnel, makes him instrumental in InSPIRE’s mission”, says InSPIRE Interim Executive Director Farrukh S. Alvi. The Institute for Strategic Partnerships, Innovation, Research, and Education (InSPIRE), backed by FSU and Triumph Gulf Coast, aims to bridge academia and industry in high-speed aerodynamics, advanced manufacturing, and technology fields, benefiting both the aerospace industry and regional economy.

As the project moves forward, InSPIRE’s facilities will be located near Northwest Florida Beaches Airport and Venture Crossings Technology Park. The planned facilities will offer secure and collaborative spaces designed to accommodate both confidential and open work for aerospace and defense. “I’m thrilled to return to FSU,” said Foster, who graduated summa cum laude from Auburn University and earned his master’s from FSU, “to build out innovative capabilities that will serve aerospace and defense needs into the future.”

The logo for FSU InSPIRE, or the Institute for Strategic Partnerships, Innovation, Research, and Education.


The Institute for Strategic Partnerships, Innovation, Research and Education launched with an initial grant from Triumph Gulf Coast, Inc. Triumph will provide $98.4 million, and Florida State University will invest another $65 million over the next 10 years. InSPIRE provides the foundation for FSU to better serve the needs required to fuel the innovation economy and will serve as a beacon to attract investment and opportunity to the region. The InSPIRE initiative includes not only applied research, advanced manufacturing and aerospace testing and prototyping facilities but also funds to increase the number of engineering graduates through FSU Panama City. InSPIRE is also dedicated to STEM outreach and development of K-college students and teachers to build the workforce talent needed to serve the high-speed aerodynamics and advanced manufacturing industry with high-paying job creation.


About Triumph Gulf Coast Inc.

Triumph Gulf Coast Inc. is a nonprofit corporation that oversees most of the funds recovered by the Florida attorney general for economic damages to the state from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Triumph is required to administer the funds to projects in the eight counties that were disproportionately affected by the oil spill — Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton, Bay, Gulf, Franklin, and Wakulla.

Angela Small

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