U.S. 98 Path PD&E Study Update

U.S. 98 Multi-Use Path Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study

Virtual Project Update

CHIPLEY, F L – The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) will hold a virtual project update concerning the U.S. 98 Multi-Use Path PD&E Study in Bay County beginning 12 p.m. (CDT), Wednesday, Oct. 23, at www.nwflroads.com/calendar.

This study will consider adding a multi-use path along U.S. 98 from Crooked Sound Drive to County Road (C.R.) 386, with an additional segment beginning at the intersection of U.S. 98 and 15th Street and extending along 15th Street to the C.R. 386
intersection. The intent of this study is to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety, enhance trail connectivity, provide additional recreational benefits, and promote economic development by supporting non-motorized modes of transportation and supporting the Shared-Use Non-motorized (SUN) Trail Program. The total distance of this study is 5.76 miles. The study will develop and evaluate viable alternatives and will make recommendations to address existing and future needs.

Public participation is held without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status.

Angela Small

Radio Production Assistant

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