Smoke Testing Sewer Lines Begins This Week
Utility Crews Conducting Smoke Testing of Sanitary Sewer Lines, September 23-27, 2024
PANAMA CITY, FL – Utility crews will be conducting smoke testing of the sanitary sewer lines in the area of Hickory Ave and Clay Ave from W Hwy 98 through W 12th Street this week. The testing is expected to last from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. Monday, September 23rd to Friday, September 27th. The purpose of the testing is to locate any breaks or defects in the sewer system in this area.
The smoke you may see coming from holes in the ground is non-toxic, odorless and doesn’t create a fire hazard. The smoke should not enter homes unless the home has defective plumbing or dried up drain traps. If you have questions or concerns regarding the testing, please call the Public Works Department at (850) 872-3000.
Smoke testing involves forcing smoke into the sanitary sewer lines and will check for leaks, breaks and defects in the system. The smoke is odorless, creates no fire hazard, and should not enter your home or business unless you have defective plumbing or dried-up sink traps or floor drains.
This smoke testing is part of our continuing effort to provide a safe, economical, efficient and environmentally sound sewer system throughout the City of Panama City. The smoke testing procedure has been recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as an effective means of identifying problem areas in the sewer system. Eliminating system defects and illegal connections will help our community remain in compliance with new federal legislation regarding sewer systems maintenance and sanitary sewer overflows.
The smoke used for this test is manufactured for this purpose and leaves no residuals or stains and has no effect on plants and animals. Direct contact with the smoke may cause minor respiratory irritation in some people.
Some sewer lines and manholes are located along backyard or side yard easements. Whenever these lines require investigation, members of the inspection crew may need to enter your property to access the sewer lines and manholes. Homeowners do not need to be present and workers will not enter your home or disturb your property.
Prior to testing, please pour 2 gallons of water in the seldom-used sinks or floor drains to prevent sewer gases, smoke or odors from entering the premises. If smoke does enter your home during testing, immediately remove yourself from the building and notify the crews that are conducting the test or call the City. Again, if smoke enters your home, it is an indication of a plumbing defect, so you should also notify a plumber. While we can assist in the location of any defects on private property, the correction of any defects are the responsibilities of the property owner.
Smoke that you will see coming from the vent stacks on houses is normal. However, smoke coming from holes in the grounds is not normal and is considered a defect. All such defects will be photographed and logged. The City will contact property owners if a defect is located on private property.
If you have questions or concerns regarding the testing, please call the Public Works Department at (850) 872-3000.
Angela Small
Radio Production Assistant