U.S. 98 Resurfacing Underway

U.S. 98 (15th Street) Resurfacing Begins in Bay County

CHIPLEY, FL – The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has begun work to resurface U.S. 98 (15th Street) from east of the 23rd Street Flyover to west of Jenks Avenue in Bay County.

Improvements along the 3.7-mile project include:

  • Resurfacing existing travel lanes, auxiliary lanes, and medians.
  • Adding raised concrete traffic separators to improve safety at Moates Avenue,
    Mound Avenue, Michigan Avenue, and Beck Avenue.
  • Upgrading pedestrian crosswalks at the Beck Avenue intersection.
  • Adding a pedestrian mid-block crossing for the eastbound free-flowing right lane
    onto Beck Avenue.
  • Upgrading intersection lighting at Beck Avenue, Frankford Avenue, Lisenby
    Avenue, and Balboa Avenue.
  • Adding and reconstructing existing sidewalks.
  • Adding and reconstructing existing sidewalks.
  • Improving pedestrian features to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act

During construction no lane closures will occur from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Sunday and will be limited to one-mile in length. Access to driveways and business entrances will be maintained at all times.

Work is scheduled to be completed mid-2026. Construction activities are weather dependent and may be delayed or rescheduled in the event of inclement weather. Drivers are reminded to use caution, especially at night, when traveling through a work zone and to watch for construction workers and equipment entering and exiting the roadway. Speeding fines are doubled when workers are present.

Angela Small

Radio Production Assistant

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