AAA’s Insurance Checklist

AAA: Insurance Review Checklist for Parents of College Students

Money-Saving Tips and Peace of Mind for Parents

TAMPA, FL — AAA is urging college students and their parents to review their insurance coverage before heading off to campus. Insurance experts at The Auto Club Group have provided a checklist of things to consider that could protect your property and potentially save you money.

“Many families don’t consider the new risks that college life can create such as liability, loss of personal property, and identity theft,” said Mark Jenkins, PR Manager, AAA – The Auto Club Group. “A quick insurance policy review can offer peace of mind during an already stressful event. It may also reveal some cost-savings opportunities.”

Review Auto Coverage

If a student is taking a vehicle with them to college, review the limits on their auto policy and ensure each driver and vehicle is properly classified. “It’s important to remember that coverage requirements can vary by state. So, if your student plans to drive the vehicle in a different state, contact your insurance agent. They can help ensure you have adequate coverage.”

Parents should also consider:

  • Added liability. Students with a vehicle may opt to drive their friends to college and back home or be asked to drive someone else’s car in an emergency, which can open the family up to a greater liability risk.
  • Taking advantage of discounts. Your child may be eligible for a “good student” discount based on their grades. Another way to save would be to reduce coverage on their vehicle, as long as it’s put in storage and not used while your child is away.

“Even if your student doesn’t bring their vehicle to college, it’s important for them to maintain liability coverage,” Jenkins continued. “This will help protect them in case they find themselves driving a friend’s vehicle or are home on break.”

Understand the Difference Between Homeowner’s and Renter’s Insurance

If your student is living on campus, they may still have some coverage through your current homeowner’s policy. However, they may only receive a limited amount of coverage, because the assets are off premises. The best way to ensure their possessions are fully covered in a dorm is by getting your student a renter’s insurance policy.

Additional Insurance and Safety Tips for Students and Parents:

  • Renter’s insurance is an affordable way to protect personal property, just make sure that the limits of the policy cover the cost of replacing their belongings.
  • Purchasing a renter’s insurance policy through your current auto or homeowner’s insurance company could result in a multi-policy discount.
  • Always lock your doors. Refrain from social media posts that display your valuables.
  • Create a digital inventory with photos of all valuable items in your student’s new residence. Save a copy electronically and store the other copy at home.
  • Leave valuable or irreplaceable items at home.

“Student dorm rooms and apartments can be a treasure trove for thieves due to the number of electronics—such as laptops, tablets, smartphones and gaming systems,” Jenkins said. “Parents should review their policy to see what is covered and consider additional limits for specific items like expensive laptops or musical instruments if needed.”

Free AAA Triple Check® to Identify Gaps in Your Insurance Coverage

AAA offers a free Triple Check to help you understand your insurance coverage — from any company — and the potential savings you can get with AAA Insurance.

AAA Triple Check® insurance coverage review:

  • Helps you understand your insurance coverage
  • Identifies discounts you qualify for with insurance through AAA.
  • Discusses new ways to make your AAA Membership work best for you.

Protect Your Student’s Identity

People fall victim to identity fraud every two seconds, creating significant risk, especially for students. AAA helps make identity theft protection easier with ProtectMyID® Essential which is free for AAA members. It provides daily monitoring of credit reports, fraud resolution assistance, and Lost Wallet Protection.

Teach your student how to minimize the risk of identity theft by:

  • Not sharing their personal information
  • Creating strong passwords and using two-factor authentication
  • Updating their social media settings to “private”
  • Setting up credit card and financial alerts
  • Tracking their credit score
  • Avoid using debit cards while shopping online

About AAA – The Auto Club Group

The Auto Club Group (ACG) is the second largest AAA club in North America with more than 13 million members across 14 U.S. states and two U.S. territories. ACG and its affiliates provide members with roadside assistance, insurance products, banking and financial services, travel offerings and more. ACG belongs to the national AAA federation with more than 64 million members in the United States and Canada. AAA’s mission is to protect and advance freedom of mobility and improve traffic safety. For more information, get the AAA Mobile app, visit, and follow on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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