Join PCB Planning Board!
Panama City Beach, FL– The Panama City Beach Planning Board is currently soliciting a volunteer to fill an unexpired term on the Planning Board. This term will expire September 8, 2026.
The Planning Board consists of seven members appointed by the City Council. The Planning Board hears, considers, and makes recommendations to the City Council regarding proposals for amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, amendments to the Land Development Code, and amendments to the official Zoning Map. The Planning Board hears, considers, and approves or denies applications set forth by the Land Development Code. The Planning Board members sit as the Tree Board for the City of Panama City Beach.
Board members serve in a voluntary capacity, must be a resident of the City of Panama City Beach, and should be available to meet on a monthly basis. All meetings are advertised and open to the public.
Qualified candidates are invited to apply by submitting a completed application, bio, and/or resume to lynne.fasone@pcbfl.gov by the close of business on Friday, May 3, 2024. Click here for the application.
Angela Small
Radio Production Assistant