Upcoming Hydrant Maintenance Alert

Panama City, FL– The Panama City Fire Department will be conducting Hydrant Maintenance starting Wednesday, May 1st through June 9th, 2024.  Maintenance will be performed weekdays from 9am to 5pm.  

Hydrant Maintenance duties being performed are cleaning around and removing any foliage obstructing the hydrant’s view or operation, inspecting hydrant for defects, pressure testing, lightly flushing the fire hydrant, and grease caps.

Light flushing of the fire hydrants in your area may cause a slight discoloration in your household water. If you notice any discoloration in your water, please allow it to run until it clears.

This is an annual requirement from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 1) Fire Code, Section 18.5.5, Testing and Maintenance.

Angela Small

Radio Production Assistant

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