Water Quality Health Advisory Issued

Advisory Issued for One Bay County Healthy Beaches Sampling Location

Bay County, FL The Florida Department of Health in Bay County (DOH-Bay) has issued a water quality advisory for the following location:

Panama City Beach Access #41 (SP 5)

11211 Front Beach Road

Panama City Beach, FL 32407


Tests completed on Monday, March 15, 2024, indicate that the water quality at Panama City Beach Access #41 (SP 5) does not meet the recreational water quality criteria for Enterococcus bacteria recommended by the Florida Department of Health.

DOH-Bay advises against any water-related activities at this location due to an increased risk of illness in swimmers. Sampling conducted during regular water quality monitoring showed that the level of bacteria exceeds the level established by state guidelines.

This advisory will continue until bacteria levels are below the accepted health level. Test results are available at FloridaHealth.gov/HealthyBeaches.

For more information call 850-481-4806 or visit bay.floridahealth.gov.

About the Florida Department of Health

The Department, nationally accredited by the exit disclaimer iconPublic Health Accreditation Board, works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

Follow on X at exit disclaimer icon@HealthyFla and on exit disclaimer iconFacebook. For more information about the Florida Department of Health, visit FloridaHealth.gov.

Angela Small

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