USDA Boosts Florida Clean Energy

USDA Invests in Clean Energy to Reduce Energy Costs, Strengthen Florida Businesses

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development (RD) State Director Lakeisha Hood Moїse announced today that USDA is investing in renewable energy projects that lower energy costs for small businesses in Florida.

“Under the Biden-Harris Administration, USDA is committed to ensuring farmers, ranchers and small businesses are directly benefitting from both a clean energy economy and a strong U.S. supply chain,” said Hood Moїse.

USDA is awarding $190,845 to two Florida businesses through the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP). REAP provides grants and loans to help ag producers and rural small business owners expand their use of wind, solar and other forms of clean energy and make energy efficiency improvements. These innovations help them increase their income, grow their businesses, address climate change and lower energy costs for American families.

In Levy County, Blue Grotto LLC will receive $137,398 to install a proposed 45.0 kilowatt (kW) solar photovoltaic system. This installation will increase efficiency of the overall business operation and decrease outside energy costs. This project is estimated to save the business $7,750 a year, which is enough electricity to power seven homes.

Click here to read the full news release.

Angela Small

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