St. Patrick’s Day Gas Prices

Filling Up Won’t Cost a Pot ‘O Gold This St. Patrick’s Day

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The national average for a gallon of gas has been rising leisurely since last week, moving a mere two cents higher to $3.41.  However, with the cost of oil crossing the $80 per barrel mark and gas demand popping with warmer temps and better weather, change may be coming to the pump. Another critical factor is the arrival of more expensive summer blend gas, which tends to increase pump prices by 10 to 15 cents.

“This is the time of year we normally see pump prices start to rise,” said Andrew Gross, AAA spokesperson. “And while prices have been rather pokey so far, they should begin to accelerate and move higher very soon.”

For the complete report, including the latest EIA data and oil market dynamics, please visit

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