City Council Gets Q4 Update on CRA Projects

Panama City Beach, FL– Scott Passmore, PE, assistant program manager for The Corradino Group, the City’s consultant for the Front Beach Road Community Redevelopment Area projects, presented the fourth quarter CRA update to the City Council Thursday morning.

Segment 3 which includes South Arnold Road from Panama City Beach Parkway to Front Beach Road and east to Lullwater Drive, is at 75 percent completion. Work continues on the future northbound travel lanes for Arnold Road, with paving having been delayed by poor weather — both cold and wet conditions that are not conducive to paving. Passmore said he expects this paving to be undertaken within the next 30 days, weather permitting, and traffic will shift to these new lanes shortly after.

Drainage and utility work within Segment 3 is substantially complete on the north side of Front Beach Road from the roundabout to Lullwater Drive. A major challenge to completing this, and previous segments of the CRA, has been the relocation of cable and internet infrastructure owned by private utility companies. Statutory notices have been sent to the companies to relocate their utilities, and a private contractor will be used to relocate all the lines, with reimbursement to come from the utility companies.

Passmore also provided an update on Alf Coleman Road, (pictured above), noting that the project to raise the roadway up to 18 inches, install curb and gutter, and add sidewalks, is 33 percent complete. There is a temporary road closure on Alf Coleman to February 29 to allow for the installation of a drainage crossing.

Updates were also provided on Powell Adams Road and CRA Segments 4.1, 4.2 (to be combined for bidding and construction), and 4.3. Click here for the full presentation. 

The presentation and full discussion with the Council can be viewed on our City Facebook page here or on the website here.

The CRA Parking and Mobility Study Advisory Committee will present results from a recent survey on Wednesday, January 31 at 9 a.m. That meeting is open to the public and will be held in the City Council Chambers of City Hall.

Here’s a link for more information on all segments of the CRA. 

Angela Small

Radio Production Assistant

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