Panama City Beach’s Federal Priorities Unveiled

Federal Legislative Priorities Approved by City Council

Panama City Beach, FL– Each year the Panama City Beach City Council adopts federal legislative and executive branch priorities for the upcoming fiscal year. The following priorities were adopted: 

  1. Pursue any available federal aid or appropriations to supplement funding for critical infrastructure projects for which historic inflation has created budgetary shortfalls, including but not limited to, the City’s outfall project.
  2. Pursue any available federal aid or appropriations for improvements to the City’s water and wastewater systems including funding for upgraded wastewater treatment facilities, septic-to-sewer conversions, and water redundancy improvements.
  3. Pursue any available federal aid or appropriations for improvements to the transportation system in and around the City of Panama City Beach, including but not limited to, the enhancements to pedestrian and multi-modal transportation throughout the City, and additional projections designed to ease congestion and enhance the transportation experience of the City’s residents and guests.
  4. Pursue any available federal aid or appropriations for improvements to the City’s stormwater system, including but not limited to, flood mitigation.
  5. Pursue any available federal aid or appropriations for the funding of enhancements of increases in the response time of the City’s Fire and Police Departments, including but not limited to, the development of new stations, a police canine facility, and any other personnel or capital costs associated with continued improvements for those departments.
  6. Identify and pursue additional opportunities for federal aid or appropriations which will improve the City’s ability to meet its strategic priorities as set forth in the City’s Strategic Plan 2021-2026.

“We are very excited about this list,” said Mayor Mark Sheldon. “There are a lot of great projects in the works that will improve quality of life, public safety, attractiveness of our area, and transportation in the City. These are four of our strategic priorities and we never want to lose focus of those elements that our community has helped us identify, as being most important to them. We will continue to fight for additional funding for all these project, which are very important to us.”

Angela Small

Radio Production Assistant

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