GCSC VPA Presents 16th Annual Cup Show
The 16th Annual Cup Show: Form and Function
Panama City, FL– The Visual & Performing Arts Division of Gulf Coast State College is proud to present the Sixteenth Annual Cup Show: Form and Function. This nationally juried show is a survey of the wide variety of approaches to contemporary ceramics through the lens of the most intimate and accessible vessel, the cup. The central theme of the exhibition is the function and concept of the drinking vessel, including its relation to history, politics, craft, technology, utility, and narrative. The juror for the show is Chadra DeBuse.
Exhibit timeline: Friday, November 17 to Friday, December 8; Amelia Center Gallery (AC112)
Opening reception: Friday, November 17 from 5pm–7pm
Gallery hours are Monday–Thursday, 10am–6pm; Friday, 10am–4pm
Admission is free and open to the public.
Angela Small
Radio Production Assistant