Gayle’s Trails Eastern Segment Opening

The Eastern Leg of Gayle’s Trails is Now Open!
Panama City Beach, FL– City officials, staff, and members of the community gathered with the Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce for an official opening of the eastern segment of Gayle’s Trails Wednesday behind Arnold High School. The trail connects the Breakfast Point subdivision to the school and runs to just east of Clara Avenue.
Gayle’s Trails was the vision of former Mayor Gayle Oberst, who was the guest speaker for the official opening. The Arnold High School Blue Thunder Band, cheerleaders and Color Guard participated in the ceremony.
The City’s trail system is a great amenity for local residents and visitors.
Here’s a few stats on the new segment of the trail:
- 1.45 miles or 7,627 linear feet
- $2.8 million project with $2.6 million coming from FDOT SunTrails Grant Program
- Boardwalk is 10 feet wide
- Trail is 12 feet wide
- Contractor – C.W. Roberts Contracting, Inc.
- Connects Breakfast Point subdivision passed AHS to just east of Clara Avenue
- This was a 7-month project, with construction beginning in April
More about the City’s trail system can be found here.
Angela Small
Radio Production Assistant