New State Water Project Work Program Unveiled

Florida TaxWatch to Unveil Recommendation to Establish State Water Project Work Program on Wed., Oct. 18 at 1 p.m.
Tallahassee, Fla. – On Wed., Oct. 18 at 1 p.m., Florida TaxWatch (FTW) will unveil a new report outlining a recommendation for the Florida Legislature to establish a state water project work program. The discussion will focus on FTW’s review of Florida’s current process for investing in water projects and suggestions to improve the planning and selection of projects intended to develop the state’s water resources and infrastructure.
State Rep. Toby Overdorf (R-Stuart), a member of the House Water Quality, Supply, & Treatment Subcommittee, will also provide remarks on his support for this FTW proposal.
About Florida TaxWatchwww.floridataxwatch.org.
As an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit government watchdog and taxpayer research institute for more than forty years and the trusted eyes and ears of Florida taxpayers, Florida TaxWatch works to improve the productivity and accountability of Florida government. Its research recommends productivity enhancements and explains the statewide impact of fiscal and economic policies and practices on taxpayers and businesses. Florida TaxWatch is supported by its membership via voluntary, tax-deductible donations and private grants. Donations provide a solid, lasting foundation that has enabled Florida TaxWatch to bring about a more effective, responsive government that is more accountable to, and productive for, the taxpayers it serves since 1979. For more information, please visitAngela Small
Radio production Assistant