Imperiled Beach-Nesting Bird Guidelines Effective Date Delayed

Delayed Effective Date for Imperiled Beach-Nesting Bird Guidelines

At the October Commission Meeting, Commissioners approved an effective date delay from September 2023 to October 1, 2024, for the Imperiled Beach-nesting Bird (IBNB) Species Conservation Measures and Permitting Guidelines. The change allows for additional time to recruit and train IBNB Permitted Monitors and to continue engaging with stakeholders in hurricane impacted areas, the private sector, and potential permittees. Staff will continue to focus on avoidance of impacts and evaluate existing permit applications on a case-by-case basis, consistent with existing Rule 68A-27.003

IBNB Permitted Monitors are an important tool in conserving shorebirds and are qualified to assist FWC Incidental Take Permittees with minimizing and avoiding harm or harassment of imperiled beach-nesting birds (American oystercatchers, snowy plovers, least terns, black skimmers) during project activities.

This delay will allow more people to gain the required experience to become IBNB Permitted Monitors and ensure potential permittees have access to qualified bird monitors.

If you are interested in becoming an IBNB Permitted Monitor and would like to gain the required monitoring experience alongside skilled bird monitors during the 2024 nesting season, please fill out the online interest form. In addition to monitoring experience, individuals need to complete FWC’s online training to meet permit requirements.

The Species Conservation Measures and Guidelines are designed to be a tool for landowners, consultants, agency partners and other interested parties on how to conserve imperiled species. The IBNB Guidelines include recommended conservation measures and survey methods to promote actions that benefit these four state-listed shorebird species. These Guidelines also include options for avoidance of take, permitting options that minimize and mitigate unavoidable harm or harassment, and examples of activities likely to cause take.

Learn more about how you or your consulting staff can become an IBNB Permitted Monitor by visiting the FWC’s IBNB Permitted Monitor webpage.

Further information on IBNB Permitted Monitor Permits is available in the IBNB Species Conservation Measures and Permitting Guidelines.

If you need technical assistance with the online learning platform, please contact Questions related to training material content can be sent to For updates on how to apply for an IBNB Permitted Monitor Permit (applications are now being accepted), please visit

Angela Small

Radio Production Assistant

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