Florida Mayors Sponsor Student Essay Contest
The Florida League of Mayors and the Florida League of Cities are sponsoring a statewide essay contest titled “If I were elected Mayor . . .”
This contest is offered to all sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade students in public and private schools. We are encouraging students to learn and write about Home Rule, and how it affects their municipality.
First place receives a $1,000 gift card, second place receives a $500 gift card and third place receives a $250 gift card. Entries must be submitted by January 31, 2024. Essays will be judged by a committee comprised of members from the Florida League of Mayors Board of Directors. The top three winners will also receive a joint resolution from the Florida League of Mayors and the Florida League of Cities, to be presented by their Mayor at a council/commission meeting of their municipality’s choosing.
“I would like to encourage sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-graders in Panama City Beach to participate in this essay contest,” said Mayor Mark Sheldon. “Not only are students starting to build a resume at this young age, but this project helps educate our young people on how City government works. By writing about it, I think they can come to understand the benefits of living in a municipality, the services they receive from their municipal government, and the differences between local government and state government.
“And they will come to understand the all-important value of Home Rule for a municipality. This just means that Cities have the ability to establish its own form of government through its City Charter, and to then enact ordinances, codes, plans and resolutions without prior state approval,” Sheldon said. “As part of this writing process, I would encourage students to come attend a City Council meeting or to watch it online on our website or Facebook page.”
Full rules include:
- You must be a sixth, seventh or eighth grader in Florida to enter.
- Your full name must be printed at the top of your essay.
- The essay must be typed or legibly printed (no cursive).
- No more than one page long.
- No more than 250 words.
- The use of ChatGPT software or similar programs is strictly prohibited.
- A completed entry form must be included with your essay.
- The deadline to mail or submit online: Monday, January 31, 2024.
- Mail to: Florida League of Mayors Post Office Box 1757 Tallahassee, FL 32302.
- Submit online at floridamayors.org.
- Begin your essay with, “If I were elected Mayor …”. Describe how you would make a difference as Mayor and how Home Rule helps make your city a great place to live.
Click here for a link to the application.
Angela Small
Radio Production Assistant