Nighttime Lane Closures on State Road 77 in Bay County

Nighttime Lane Closures on State Road 77 in Bay County

Chipley, Fla. –State Road (S.R.) 77 will be reduced to one lane in each direction near the S.R. 390 intersection from 8:30 p.m. to 6 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 24 through Friday, Sept. 29. Construction crews will be performing paving work.

Law enforcement personnel will be on scene to safely direct drivers through the work zone. All activities are weather dependent and may be delayed or rescheduled in the event of inclement weather. Drivers are reminded to use caution, especially at night, when traveling through a work zone and to watch for construction workers and equipment entering and exiting the roadway.

For more information visit the Florida Department of Transportation District Three on the web at www.nwflroads.comfollow us on Twitter @myfdot_nwfl and Instagram @myfdot_nwfl,  or like us on Facebook at MyFDOTNWFL.

Angela Small

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