Shellfish Harvesting Area Update

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services announced that the following shellfish area(s) will be re-opened at sunrise on September 10, 2023 for the harvest of oysters, clams, and mussels. In this context, shellfish does not include scallops, shrimp, or crabs.


#0822 West Bay Shellfish Harvest Area LEASES ONLY_

Affected Counties:


Basis for action:

Fecal coliform results indicate that water quality meets NSSP standards as defined in Chapter 5L-1.003, Florida Administrative Code

Please Visit FWC’s webpage for wild shellfish harvest seasons, executive orders, size and bag limits:

For FWC Commercial Regulations please visit

For FWC Recreational Regulations please visit

The re-opening of the waters is in compliance with the management plan. Refer to the Division of Aquaculture’s Daily Status Report for daily open/closure information. For questions concerning scallop harvesting, please call the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission at (850)487-0554.

If you have further questions or in the event the daily status report cannot be accessed due to server problems, a detailed pre-recorded message of open and closed shellfish harvest areas is available 24 hours a day by calling the closest regional office.

Angela Small

Radio Production Assistant

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