GCSC’s Gulf/Franklin Campus Education Encore is Back!

Panama City, FL– Education Encore is coming back to the Gulf/Franklin Campus this fall. Gulf Coast State College is excited to continue to meet the needs of the Gulf/Franklin community by offering personal enrichment courses in a wide-range of topics.
Education Encore is offered by Continuing Education twice a year during the fall and spring semesters and provides enrichment classes on a variety of topics for active senior adults. Whether you want to learn a new skill, aim to improve your quality of life or explore a new hobby, Education Encore is the place!
Kristal Smallwood, Director of Gulf/Franklin Campus states, “We are so excited to bring Education Encore back to the Gulf/Franklin campus. There will be an exciting variety of classes offered that you don’t want to miss this fall!” For the gardener, you can learn how to grow plants, edible and otherwise in containers. If you want to brush up on your history, Encore will offer two classes in which to choose. Other types of classes include cake decorating, bird watching, home repairs, ukulele, and wellness through Tai Chi.
The Gulf/Franklin classes are held for six consecutive Wednesdays, September 13 – October 18. The cost for three classes is $95. For more information, visit www.gulfcoast.edu/GFEncore or call 850.227.9670.
Angela Small
Radio Production Assistant