Street Resurfacing Update

Panama City Beach, FL– Acting City Engineer Wyatt Rothwell, P.E., provided the Mayor and City Council with a street resurfacing update Tuesday during a special meeting of the PCB City Council, saying the project is close to “wrapping up.”
The $3.4 million street resurfacing project, begun in early 2023, combined general fund monies (through the 1/2 cent surtax dollars) to be spent for resurfacing for both fiscal years 2022 and 2023 to resurface 34 roadway sections covering 12.72 lane miles. Rothwell said the project is 79 percent complete with final completion expected in September.
The City typically spends approximately $1.5 million annually on street resurfacing; streets being resurfaced are usually those in the worst condition, based on a 2017 assessment of all non-Community Redevelopment Area roads. That assessment graded every road, setting a rating from A to F, based on condition, age, a visual inspection and documentation of past construction.
A 20-year resurfacing schedule was created, but prior to roads being identified for the next phase of work, two other factors are considered: ongoing private construction in the area that might further interfere with traffic and possibly damage newly resurfaced roads, and a new visual inspection of each road, including soil borings and geotechnical explorations. Roads are assessed by section instead of full streets because many streets were built in phases, with one section possibly being several years older than another section.
The project also includes the addition of eight speed humps, requested by residents. To request a speed hump in your neighborhood, a petition is required. Click here for the form.
Here is a link to the full presentation which includes the full list of streets being redone.
Communications Director Debbie Ingram can be reached at (850) 233-5100, Ext. 2261.
Angela Small
Radio Production Assistant