Comedian Henry Cho to Perform at Gulf Coast State College
For Immediate Release/Community Calendars
August 30, 2022
CONTACT: Brittany Rock brock@gulfcoast.edu| (850) 872.3822
Comedian Henry Cho
to Perform at Gulf Coast State College
Panama City, FL—The Visual & Performing Arts Division of Gulf Coast State College presents An Evening with Henry Cho on Saturday, September 17, 2022, at 7:30 pm.
Henry Cho is a clean standup comedian who has made multiple appearances on NBC’s The Tonight Show and CBS’s The Late, Late Show. His work can be heard daily on Sirius XM, Blue Collar Radio, and Pandora Radio. He is also a regular performer at the Grand Ole Opry, appearing over 100 times.
The performance will take place in the GCSC Amelia G. Tapper Center for the Arts, located on the Panama City Campus, the evening of the GCSC 65th Anniversary Community Celebration. Tickets for the show are $25 each with the proceeds benefitting the Visual and Performing Arts Scholarship Fund. Comedians Jason Hedden and Rahn Hortman will also be performing.
Tickets can be purchased online at gulfcoast.edu/arts.
For more information, please contact Jason Hedden at (850) 890-4560 or jhedden@gulfcoast.edu.