Take Stock in Children Joins The Mix

The Mix: Kelly Langenberg talks about the mission of Take Stock in Children

The Mix

Kelly Langenberg, the Executive Director of Take Stock in Children, joined The Mix to talk about the mission of the organization, what the requirements are for students, and how businesses can get involved through mentorship. The Bay County Chamber also recently announced a resolution to support school-based mentoring programs through the business community. This specifically involves school-based mentoring through individuals in businesses or if businesses want to mentor students as an organization.

We also talked about three upcoming fundraisers that they will be hosting in September, February 2023, and March of 2023. You can find those events here.

If you would like to get begin some of the mentoring opportunities through Take Stock in Children, you can visit their website here or call at 850-7674110. You can also follow them on Facebook to stay up to date. 

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