Alex Murphy from Haney Technical College Talks About Enrollment for the Fall 2022 Semester
The Mix: Alex Murphy from Haney Technical College talks about the Fall 2022 enrollment and how you can register.
The Mix
Alex Murphy, the Chief Community Relations Officer at Haney Technical College, joined The Mix to talk about the upcoming Fall 2022 classes that are being offered. We talked about what programs are offered, how the classes are structured, and the flexibility of all of their classes.
Currently, they are accepting applications for the Fall 2022 semester. Alex noted that some classes do get full, but to not let that prevent you from applying anyways as some spots may open up. Haney Technical College offers 18 career technical education programs ranging in length from 9 – 24 months for completion. Some of the programs include welding, automotive services, medical administration specialist, and much more.
If you are interested in finding out more information on Haney Technical College, you can look on their website at haney.edu or call directly at 850-767-5500. If you would like to speak in person, the staff is available Monday thru Thursday 7:00 AM-3:30 PM. They are closed on Fridays.