Discover Asia Festival Takes Place This Saturday

Discover Asia Festival 2022 PSA
Join DADSRA (Demonstrating the Ability to Deploy Serve, Restore, and Aid) & the Panama City Quality of Life department to celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month for the inaugural Discover Asia Festival!
This Saturday, May 21st, at 3PM to 8PM will be the Discover Asia Festival at McKenzie Park in Downtown Panama City.
It will be an evening of Asian and Pacific Islander culture with arts and crafts, music, cuisine, plants, and dancers.
The dancer line-up includes: Muay Thai Fighters, Filipino Martial Arts, Thai Dancers, TCC Dance Company, Filipino Dancers, Chinese Dancers, Balinese Dancers, and more.
Additional information on this event is available at PCGOV.org and the Facebook Event Page.

Sophie Theiss
Radio Production Assistant (2021-2022)