GCSC Foundation Receives Endowed Faculty Chair Gift

For Immediate Release January 25th, 2022
Contact: : Erin Keel, Executive Assistant and Marketing Coordinator of GCSC Foundation ekeel@gulfcoast.eduGCSC Foundation Receives
Endowed Faculty Chair Gift
Panama City, FL – The Gulf Coast State College Foundation is excited to announce that is has received an Endowed Faculty Chair gift from Mrs. Monique Williams in honor of her late husband, Dr. Jerry Williams.
“A hallmark of any institution is the way in which they honor those who have contributed to the foundational success of the organization,” said Dr. Sean Preston, Executive Director for the GCSC Foundation. “The late Dr. Jerry Williams, a valuable member of the Gulf Coast State College faculty, will be memorialized with a lifetime naming opportunity. Monique Williams, Jerry’s wife, has bestowed a $1,000,000 gift to the GCSC Foundation for the creation of the Dr. Jerry Williams Endowed Faculty Chair. These funds will allow the College to attract, secure and retain the highest quality professor to advance business education for the students of Bay County and beyond.”
A check presentation for the Endowed Faculty Chair gift will be held during the District Board of Trustees meeting on Thursday, January 27, 2022, in the William C. Cramer, Jr. Seminar Room.
The Gulf Coast State College Foundation, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing scholarship opportunities and program support for students enrolled at Gulf Coast State College. The Foundation is committed to the belief that every deserving student merits a chance to continue his or her education regardless of cost.
The Foundation, with the support of individuals, businesses, other foundations and grants, has created and endowed more than 750 scholarships. For 52 years, the Foundation has served Gulf Coast State College by donating more than $26 million for scholarship and program support.