GCSC Foundation Receives Donation for The Gulf Coast Guarantee Program

For Immediate Release January 25th, 2022
Contact: : Erin Keel, Executive Assistant and Marketing Coordinator of GCSC Foundation ekeel@gulfcoast.eduGCSC Foundation Receives Donation
for The Gulf Coast Guarantee Program
Panama City, FL – The Gulf Coast State College Foundation is excited to announce that it is receiving a donation from Florida Architects in the amount of $25,000. The donation will be used to support The Gulf Coast Guarantee program to assist all high school students graduating from the GCSC service district with their tuition and fees.
“The Gulf Coast State College Foundation expresses gratitude for Florida Architects’ support of the Gulf Coast Guarantee scholarship fund,” said Dr. Sean Preston, Executive Director for the GCSC Foundation. “It is meaningful and encouraging when local businesses such as Florida Architects chooses to support the education of our community by helping to remove the financial barrier of completing a certificate or degree program. This contribution only strengthens the bond between GCSC and Florida Architects.”
A check presentation will be held during the District Board of Trustees meeting on Thursday, January 27, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. in the William C. Cramer, Jr. Seminar Room.
The Gulf Coast State College Foundation, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing scholarship opportunities and program support for students enrolled at Gulf Coast State College. The Foundation is committed to the belief that every deserving student merits a chance to continue his or her education regardless of cost.
The Foundation, with the support of individuals, businesses, other foundations and grants, has created and endowed more than 750 scholarships. For 52 years, the Foundation has served Gulf Coast State College by donating more than $26 million for scholarship and program support.