Upcoming Classes for the Law Enforcement and Corrections Academy at Gulf Coast State College

Daryl White talks about the Law Enforcement and Corrections Academy at Gulf Coast State College

The Mix

Daryl White, the Director of the Law Enforcement and Corrections program at Gulf Coast State College, joined The Mix to talk about each of these programs and how you can get signed up for classes before the deadline. The Law Enforcement track runs about 8-9 months and the Corrections programs run 3-4 months.

Each course helps prepare students for the certification test that they must take before entering the Law Enforcement and Corrections career field. There is also an A.S. and A.A. degree where students can further their knowledge and gain a degree in Criminal Justice Technology and Criminology/Criminal Justice.

For the majority of the courses, students can get hands-on training up at the North Bay Campus of GCSC, and work alongside instructors who have been in the field first-hand. 

The requirements include: Put in a general application for the college, then apply directly to the program you are seeking. Daryl says that the Law Enforcement and Corrections program requires that students must be 19 years or older, and must have a High School Degree or GED, and must complete a background check and interview. 

Application Deadline

The application deadline is December 22nd, 2021. There will be a mandatory orientation on January 5th and classes begin on January 12th. 

Law Enforcement: www.gulfcoast.edu/law-enforcement-officer-certificate

Corrections: www.gulfcoast.edu/correctional-officer-certificate

A.S. in Criminal Justice Technology:  www.gulfcoast.edu/criminal-justice-technology-as

A.A. in Criminology/Criminal Justice Option: www.gulfcoast.edu/criminology-criminal-justice-aa/index.html




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