GCSC to host “Super Saturday” event for Fall 2021 registration

For Immediate Release July 21st, 2021
Contact: Katie McCurdy, Executive Director of Community Engagement | kmccurdy2@gulfcoast.edu | (850) 872.3814GCSC to host “Super Saturday” event
for Fall 2021 registration
“Panama City, FL – Gulf Coast State College is hosting “Super Saturday” on July 31, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in GCSC’s Advanced Technology Center on the Panama City Campus, and from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. EST at the Gulf/Franklin Campus. It’s an all-encompassing event for prospective students who are interested in enrolling for the Fall 2021 semester and for current students who need to register for classes. Gulf Coast is an open-access, open-enrollment institution, which means you only need a high school diploma or GED to enroll. The $10 application fee is currently being waived for all new students at this event.
Academic program advisors and specialists from Admissions, Advising, Enrollment Services and Financial Aid will be available to provide one-on-one assistance and guide attendees through the enrollment and registration process. Staff from Career Development, Veterans Services, TRiO and Student Accessibility Resources will also be on-hand to answer questions, and students can get their student IDs and parking decals.
Due to Covid-19, masks are required for any person who has not been fully vaccinated to attend this event at both locations. Appointments are available at the Panama City Campus.
For more information, please visit bit.ly/GCSCSuperSaturday or contact Merissa Hudson at mhudson@gulfcoast.edu, or 850.769.1551 Ext. 4888.”