Gulf Coast State College to Train First Responders using New Emergency Response Equipment

For Immediate Release February 23, 2021
CONTACT: Katie McCurdy, Executive Director of Community Engagementkmccurdy2@gulfcoast.edu| (850) 872.3814
Gulf Coast State College to Train First Responders
using New Emergency Response Equipment
Panama City, FL – Gulf Coast State College personnel will be training Panama City Beach First Responders on the Emergency Integrated Lifesaving Lanyard, also known as EMILY, on Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. at the City Pier. EMILY is an unmanned vehicle system that will provide floatation quickly, and under dangerous marine conditions, to a person located in the water that is in distress. The Panama City Beach First Responders will be trained on how to operate and deploy EMILY to respond to emergency situations. Also, the First Responders will receive training using the EMILY Sonar equipment. This is a device that uses sonar to look for submerged objects. The College was able to secure these advanced technology systems through the Emergency Response grant received from Triumph, and has already provided training for multiple emergency responders in Bay County to be able to utilize these technologies during emergency situations.
For further information please contact Tony Lopez-Baquero at jlopezbaq@gulfcoast.edu or 850.849.9296.