Artist Interview: Lauren Woods

About the Artist

Lauren Woods, Assistant Professor of Art in the Department of Art & Art History at Auburn University talks to Caleb Jordan on The Mix about her piece, “Circle Dances.” Her video is a part of the new exhibit, Quarantine, at the Amelia Center located on campus at Gulf Coast State College.

Lauren uses her art to communicate the process of life with Covid-19. Through dance,  Lauren says she is able to display the inward struggles she faced during quarantine. Technology has been crucial for Lauren as she was able to bring her family into her creation.

Lauren dances with her nieces in “Circle Dances.”
Lauren dances with her nieces in “Circle Dances.”

Artist Statement

“Circle dances have been a part of human culture for thousands of years. Performed as rites of passage, an invocation of change, or as a mode of community ritual, the circle embodies aspects of connection, unity, and cycles of transformation.

I have been using dance as a method of grounding during this time of social distancing and isolation in my home for weeks completely alone.

Whether I am dancing around the house, my overgrown yard, or taking virtual ballet classes from a friend that lives hundreds of miles away, dance has been a way to feel connected to rituals of my past, providing comfort during extreme anxiety.

This video is a sketch, playing with the idea of how technology has provided opportunities for interaction while we are separated physically. I began with improvisational movement in my yard, and then had my sister send me a video of her children performing their own “circle dance.”

I would like to collect more videos of both myself and others moving as a method to process uncertainty and fear. Dancing is a way to bond and communicate, expressing elemental and ineffable aspects at the root of our being.”

More Information:

The exhibit will be on display from October 12th to November 6th, in the the Amelia Center Gallery (Room 112). Open Monday through Thursday 10 am – 6 pm and Friday 10 am to 4 pm.  All shows are free and open to the public.

You can find Lauren’s personal work at:

More information on Quarantine and to see Lauren’s piece go to:  Facebook Event

About The Author

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