GCSC COVID -19 Student Update #4 March 17, 2020
GCSC COVID -19 Student Update #4 March 17, 2020
In accordance with information and direction included during a press conference conducted by Governor DeSantis this afternoon, the following steps will be implemented:
- Gulf Coast State College is cancelling all on-campus and online classes for the week following Spring Break (March 21-29) in order to prepare for a transition to online classes, where possible. Continue to monitor college communication channels for updates and more specific direction.
- This transition to online courses may extend through the end of the semester, as directed by state officials, but will be revisited at least every two weeks.
- This “extension” of Spring Break for students will be effective Saturday, March 21 through Sunday, March 29. Staff and faculty will continue to report on March 23 to their regular work location.
- Field experience courses (clinicals) in the Health Sciences and Public Safety divisions are being reviewed for alternative schedules and teaching methodologies. Decisions and information related to this issue will be distributed later in the week. Students in these two program areas should continue to closely monitor college communications channels and their Canvas account for more specific information, as it becomes available. In addition, your instructor and/or program manager will reach out to you directly for instructions related specifically to your course or program.
- During this next week (March 23 – March 27) the college will be open, in order to ensure the continuation of services to students throughout the entirety of the spring semester. As we will be operating under the most current CDC guidelines available, it is likely that some delays or inconvenient steps may be involved in the delivery of services. We ask for your patience as we all work together through the challenges of these extraordinary times. Again, the college is not closing – just changing how we do business for the next few months!
We all have dealt with adversity before, and we know how to adapt to challenging conditions. It is just so unfortunate that only a little over a year has passed since your patience, creativity, and ingenuity were last tested in such an extraordinary way. In fact, there is no college or university student body in this country better prepared to weather the uncertainty that COVID-19 is bringing to our world! Everyone at the college is committed to your health and safety, as well as your high-quality educational experience. With your commitment, we will all be able to keep your hopes and dreams intact and as close to on-schedule as possible.
Please be safe, stay healthy, and look for additional information in the next few days through the College’s website, text alerts, social media and local media outlets. GCSC students are encouraged to sign up for the Gulf Coast’s free emergency alert notifications at www.gulfcoast.edu/alert.
Dr. John a Holdnak, President