Executive Order for Beaches, Bars, Pubs, Nightclubs, and Restaurants in Florida

Tallahassee, Florida – Gov. Ron DeSantis said Tuesday that restaurants in Florida will be able to stay open but only be allowed to fill to half capacity and all tables must be at least 6 feet apart. Gov. DeSantis said he is encouraging restaurants to go to take-out only if they want to. Bars and nightclubs must remain closed for 30 days beginning at 5 p.m. today.

DeSantis said he wants restaurants to stay at a 50 percent capacity limit, and keep tables 6-feet apart. He also said restaurant workers will need to undergo health screenings to ensure they can work around food.


Below is the Executive Order issued by the Florida Governor. The requirements for employees working in the restaurants is listed on last two pages.

Regarding Beaches in the State of Florida (pg 2 of Executive Order):

“Pursuant to section 252.36(5)(k), Florida Statutes, I direct parties accessing public beaches
in the State of Florida to follow the CDC guidance by limiting theirs gatherings to no more than
l O persons, distance themselves from other parties by 6 feet, and support beach closures at the
discretion of local authorities.”


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