Santa Rosa County man presumed positive for COVID-19

Gadsden County, Florida –  In a press conference today in Gadsden County, Governor Ron DeSantis gave an updated on COVID-19 in the State of Florida. He said this morning the State became aware of a patient that is presumptive positive for COVID-19, who is a man in his 70s who lives in Santa Rosa County. His test has not been confirmed by the CDC, but believes now the local testing is highly confident that the individual may have COVID-19. He said the man recently traveled abroad and is too sick to answer questions.

Governor DeSantis says there is an investigation underway into the history of the person, and his travels in recent days. He also said the individual did have underlying conditions, and the department of health will issue more information soon.

To see the Governor’s update on COVID-19, please click below. The update starts about 14:45 seconds into the conference.

Gov. DeSantis Update on COVID-19

2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

as of 11:19 a.m. ET 3/5/2020, according to Florida Department of Health


Positive Cases of COVID-19

2 – Florida Residents
1 – Florida Resident Presumptive Positive
5 – Florida Cases Repatriated
1 – Non-Florida resident


Number of Negative Test Results



Number of Pending Testing Results



Number of People Under Public Health Monitoring

248 – currently being monitored
948 – people monitored to date


People Under Public Health Monitoring: The number of people under public health monitoring includes those at risk of having been exposed to COVID-19 who are monitoring their health under the supervision of public health officials.

Florida Cases Repatriated: The United States Department of State officially coordinated the return of a person living in Florida to the United States and those persons are isolated at a federally designated site until healthy.

You can follow the latest from the Florida Department of Health on COVID-19 by clicking here.

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