Recovery at a Glance – Jackson County
Jackson County
As of January 4th, 2019 unless otherwise noted
Since the federal disaster declaration for Hurricane Michael, residents of Jackson County have received more than $56.2 million in total federal funds:
- 3,761 individuals and households have been approved for nearly $13 million in federal grants.
- 14 flood insurance claims have been filed. An estimated $143,084 in claims have been paid. (As of Dec. 14)
- More than $43.1 million in U.S. Small Business Administration low-interest disaster loans have been approved for 1,047 homeowners and renters and 50 businesses.
Housing Assistance:
- More than $6.5 million has been approved for basic housing repairs for more than 1,900 homeowners.
- 8,764 home inspections have been issued and about 99.7 percent completed.
- Approximately 2,280 survivors have not provided FEMA with the necessary information from their insurance settlements to complete their disaster assistance registration
- Through Disaster Survivor Assistance outreach more than 13,000 survivors were connected with disaster resources and recovery partners for needs beyond what FEMA can assist with.
- 2,243 homeowners and renters are approved for rental assistance.
- 25 survivor households are checked into hotels through the Transitional Sheltering Assistance program.
- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has installed 839 blue roofs in Jackson County representing 839 families who are able to live in their homes while they make permanent repairs.
- 50 (As of Jan.7) households have been licensed-in in Jackson County under FEMA’s Direct Temporary Housing Assistance program. These households have keys to temporary housing units and the units are ready for occupancy. Working with Florida Division of Emergency Management, Jackson County and Volunteer Florida, debris is being cleared from private and commercial sites.
Debris removal:
- More than 3.4 million cubic yards of debris has been removed in Jackson County.
Outreach to Survivors:
- The disaster recovery center for Jackson County at the University Extension Office in Marianna opened Oct. 23 and has assisted more than 6,395 visitors.