Deer Point drawdown to Begin Monday

Bay County Utility Services will begin a winter drawdown of the Deer Point Reservoir on Monday, Nov. 26, as recommended by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). The drawdown is scheduled to last until Feb. 28.

The drawdown is aimed at reducing shoreline vegetation in the reservoir by prolonged exposure to drying conditions and freezing temperatures. This action will potentially decrease nuisance aquatic vegetation, consolidate and release nutrients from the exposed shoreline sediments, improve fishing and boating access and enhance fish and wildlife habitat.

Due to Hurricane Michael, Utility Services has maintained a reservoir level of approximately 4 feet above sea level, one foot less than the normal 5 feet above sea level. This is in an effort to minimize threats of upstream flooding due to debris on the Econfina River that is restricting water flow. Next week, the reservoir level will be reduced by about another foot to a level of approximately 3 feet above sea level for the duration of the drawdown.

Waterfront property owners who plan to manually remove vegetation from their shoreline should consult with FWC to determine acceptable practices and whether a permit is necessary. Any chemical treatment is prohibited.

Waterfront property owners should plan to make repairs to their docks and bulkheads during the drawdown. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) must approve and permit any major projects. Owners contemplating a major project or repairs should contact FDEP to determine acceptable practices and limitations and whether a permit is necessary.

For more information, please call Bay County Utility Services at 248-5010.

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