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Disaster Recovery Centers
FEMA is committed to ensuring that services and assistance are available for people with access and functional needs. FEMA offers many ways to help register by Dec. 10. Equipped with accessible ramps, parking and restrooms, Disaster Recovery Centers (DRCs) provide one-on-one consultation and resources such as captioned phones and iPads linked to video-remote sign language interpreters. The DRCs are open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. If a disaster survivor cannot travel to the DRC, FEMA will arrange a home visit.
· Bay County Public Library DRC, 898 W 11th Street, Panama City
· John B. Gore Park DRC, 599 Beulah Ave., Callaway
· Youngstown Fountain Recreation Park, 12421 E. Hwy. 20, Fountain
A DRC provides survivors information about FEMA programs and can help survivors apply for federal disaster assistance. Representatives from FEMA, U.S. Small Business Administration, volunteer groups and other agencies will be at the center to answer questions about disaster assistance and low-interest disaster loans for homeowners, renters and businesses. When registering, survivors should let FEMA staff know if they have an accommodation request.
Additional assistance is available below:
If you were affected by Hurricane Michael in Florida and need a sign language interpreter, foreign language translator, a Braille document or large-print or electronic file and it is not available on the FEMA website (Resources-people-disabilities-access-functional-needs), call 470-364-7252.
To register for assistance, go to DisasterAssistance.gov, the FEMA app on phones/tablets, or call 800-621-3362, 800-462-7585 (TTY). Multilingual operators are available 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily.
Additional Florida resources for access needs include:
· Florida Association of Centers for Independent Living: 850-575-6004 or toll-free 866-575-6004; email Info@floridaCILS.org .
· Disability Resource Center: 850-769-6890; 866-954-5898 (TTY); email rcox66@drcpc.org.
· Florida Coordinating Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing: toll free 866-602-3275; 866-602-327 (TTY); email info@fccdhh.org.